Lonofi ambience « Velaris »

ACOTAR universe velaris atmosphere

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Track « Individuals drinking tea »

Small group of individuals preparing, pouring and drinking tea

Track « Old wooden door »

Walking through an old wooden door with lock

Track « Minimal hang »

Minimal instruments collection: Hang

Track « Small group speaking »

A small group of women and men speaking outside

Track « Men laughing »

A small group of men laughing

Track « Women laughing »

Two women laughing

Track « Small river (1) »

The sound of a small river

Track « Wind through trees »

Wind through trees with significant volume variation

Track « Singing bowl (1) »

Low-pitched Tibetan Singing Bowl

Track « Metal wind chime (1) »

High-pitched metal wind chime

Track « Walking on dirt (1) »

One person walking on dirt

Track « Night insects in the grass »

Night insects in the grass in a Thai jungle

Track « Cricket chorus (1) »

A small group of crickets chirping in the background

Track « Song thrush (1) »

Song thrush singing

Track « Common blackbird »

Common blackbird singing