Lonofi ambience « Content. »

Brandon Golau
A storm rolls by your shoreline vacation house. You leave your patio acts after checking on the sunset sky. You see your spouse, in the leather recliner, reading their new favorite book. You sit on the opposite side of the coffee table from from the settled bookworm, on your grand-dad's old couch. You don't flip on the television, neither look at your phone. The duet of the chimes and storm burdened gales lulls you into a trance. What a way to spend a saturday evening...

Descriptive tags

Track « Water drops »

Close water drops dripping

Track « Reading a book »

Someone reading and turning the pages of a book

Track « Koshi wind chime (2) »

Low -pitched and medium-pitched Koshi wind chime

Track « Moderate thunderstorm »

Moderate thunderstorm with thunder strikes and rain

Track « Moderate wind (1) »

Medium strength wind blowing

Track « Wheat in the Wind »

Large wheat field ready for harvest in gentle winds

Track « Koshi wind chime (1) »

Medium-pitched Koshi wind chime